
Steps to Follow if the Toilet Won't Flush

Even if you aren’t used to taking on DIY jobs, if your toilet isn’t flushing, today is the day you are going to become an accomplished DIY person.

That’s because taking care of this common bathroom plumbing issue is actually pretty easy as long as you know what to look for and what steps to take.

Our Wayne, NJ plumbers have compiled this handy guide to help you navigate this task.

Dealing With Clogs

“callaprofessional”A very common reason for your toilet not to flush is that it is clogged. For a simple clog, you may be able to dislodge it with the push and pull suction of your plunger.

However, for more persistent clogs, you will likely need the help of your trusty plumber. That’s because your plumber has specialized training and more tools at his disposal.

Depending on what is causing this clog, you may need to use a plumbing snake or hydro-jetting. The sharp tip of the plumbing snake tears through debris, allowing water to pass again. For really tough clogs (caused by a buildup of sediment, grease or intrusion from tree roots) your plumber may need to conduct a hydro-jetting in order to break apart the clog.

Find out if it is the Flapper

“tankflapper”Another common reason that toilets don’t flush is if the flapper is broken. The flapper opens and closes to make sure that water flows in and out of your toilet when you flush it.

The flapper is made of rubber, so as your toilet gets older, it isn’t uncommon for it to crack or get warped, meaning that it can’t seal the opening to control water flow.

To see if this is the problem with your bathroom plumbing, lift the lid of your toilet tank. The flapper is located at the bottom. Is it warped or broken? To replace it, simply drain the tank, remove the broken one and fit a new one back in place. Your toilet should flush now.

An Alternative Way to Flush the Toilet

“waterinsidetoilet”You don’t need to jiggle the handle to flush the toilet. You can use a bucket or a bowl instead! In fact, if you have a wastepaper basket in your bathroom, empty that and use that instead.

Pour water into the toilet bowl. You’ll notice that as the water starts swirling in the toilet bowl, it will actually flush the toilet all on its own.

This method makes use of the shape of the toilet bowl along with the strength of the pouring water.
Whatever your concern is with your bathroom plumbing, we can help!