
Backflow Prevention: Best Plumbing Tools

It’s unlikely that you’ve ever turned on your faucet and brown sludge poured out. However, that doesn’t mean your potable water hasn’t ever been contaminated!

There are many times that you could have chosen to not drink out of the faucet or avoided illness due to your immune system, but some people aren’t so lucky.

Backflow preventers, when they are the best plumbing tools, will help keep old wastewater from flowing back into your home. It is an important subject to know and think about before it ever comes up. We are going to talk to you about backflow and its prevention! Keep reading for more information!

Backflow Explained

“whatis”It isn’t uncommon for our customers not to know what backflow is, how it is caused, or how we can stop it. In order to understand the importance of it, you must first understand what it is.

Backflow is the undesirable reversal of wastewater contamination from floods, sewers, and even fire suppression systems.

It all can be blamed on the differences in air pressure between two plumbing fixtures. The problem of backflow occurs when there is a drop in pressure in one tank, which allows liquids to flow back into the potable water pipes.

Air Gaps & Backflow Prevention

“airgap”Air gaps as backflow prevention are a simple, effective, non-mechanical way to prevent backflow.

This typically involves readily available materials being fashioned to meet the fixture’s needs and allow for a literal gap of air between the potable water and wastewater.

Although a kitchen sink isn’t the perfect example, it can work to help you visualize this process. When you turn your kitchen sink on, the water flows from the faucet to the drain.

If the drain gets clogged up, the sink will fill with water and eventually overflow. It is important that non-potable and potable water never come into contact with each other due to contamination issues. Because the backed up water in the sink can’t defy gravity and flow upward, the wastewater will never mix with the potable water.

Pressure Vacuum Breakers

“vacuumbreakers”Typically pressure vacuum breakers are a backflow preventer that is part of your irrigation system. Similarly to air gaps, their main purpose is to keep contaminated water from reaching potable water through your outside water lines.

There are two main parts that make up a pressure vacuum breaker: the vented chamber and the valve. This type of backflow preventer is typically installed at the highest point in your yard near the water source.

The valve keeps the air inlet closed when there are normal conditions but when the air pressure becomes greater than the water pressure, the chamber opens, closing the valve to prevent backflow.

Which Backflow Preventer Should You Choose?

“rightforhome”There are a number of backflow preventers on the market and these are only two of them, they can keep you all year with clean water.

The important thing to remember is that they all serve the same purpose but do it in different ways. This means that some backflow preventers will cost more while others cost less, and some are considered to be more or less reliable.

The easiest way to decide on a backflow preventer is to discuss your options with a plumber who certifies and tests these devices.

Making The Right Call

We recommend you consult with a plumber before you choose and install a backflow preventer. We also recommend you take the time to get to know the company that you will be working with to ensure that they are honest, well-trained, and highly-skilled.

If you’re not sure what company that is, consider calling PHD Mechanical Inc! When you’re ready to ensure backflow never flows through your faucets, call PHD Mechanical Inc. We will take care of all your plumbing and backflow needs!